Learning Management System

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Course Section Details

CRLC-ENV 3711 The Nurse's Role and Climate Change

Online Certificate Course

Section DateStart TimeEnd Time

This course is hosted on the National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP) Learning Management System.

We are in the process of developing an integration with this LMS site that will simplify enrollment tracking and completion of courses on both sites. 

In the meantime, in order to track participation in NCDP course through the NYLearnsPH.com LMS, learners will need to enroll in the courses through NYLearnsPH, then launch the course and Register (first time) or Log In (repeat visits) on the NCDP LMS. 


Once you complete the course on the NCDP LMS, return to the NYLearnsPH.com LMS and go to My Courses > Current Courses and click on Messaging (Section Column for the course in question) and attach an electronic copy of your completion certificate to the Administrator of the course and you will be marked complete on the NYLearnsPH.com LMS. 

Any questions, email: edlearn@health.state.ny.us