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Course Description

BP3-Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma Handling Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma in Healthcare - BP3

Enrollment DeadlineSectionCourse FormatStart/End Dates Details Instructor(s)Speakers
Handling Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma in Healthcare Self-paced Courses 12/30/2021

Course Description

Handling Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma in Healthcare

Healthcare staff in hospitals, home care, local health departments, emergency management and other healthcare facilities are facing many COVID-19 related stressors from lack of staffing to a higher level of the number of behavioral health cases. Lack of places to discharge and lack of staffing has made it even more difficult on medical staff. Typical coping techniques have been impacted by pandemic restrictions. Healthcare staff has been a part of the mass casualty event, making coping even more difficult. Workplace stressors and turnover are impacting productivity and retention, as well as workplace relationships. The impact on staff who remain at work is both personal and professional. This program will focus on a FABULOUS Framework: 8 Pillars of Resilience, to manage all of these work-related stressors. The 8 pillars are: 1. Flexibility, 2. Attitude, 3. Boundaries, 4. Understanding job satisfaction, 5. Laughter, 6. Optimism, 7. United, 8. Self-compassion. If you have experienced death related and non-death related loss during the pandemic, and trying to manage increased stress, this program is for you.

Average Completion Time

1.5 hours



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