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Course Description

TB-219 Applying Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Genotyping Results in Local Program Activities

Enrollment DeadlineSectionCourse FormatStart/End Dates Details Instructor(s)Speakers
Archived Webinar Online Ongoing
David Ashkin, MD   Lauren Cowan, PhD   Wendy Cronin, PhD, MT(ASCP)  

Course Description

This presentation will provide an overview of the National TB Genotyping Service and genotyping data, followed by a discussion of the ways that TB genotyping data can be incorporated into local program activities.


Upon completion of this training, participants will be familiar with...

  • List three ways that TB genotyping can be incorporated into local program activities.
  • Describe how TB genotyping can enhance contact investigations.
  • Describe three causes of false positive cultures.
  • Describe National TB Genotyping Service.

Target Audience:  TB program and clinical staff.

Slides (Cowan):  https://sntc.medicine.ufl.edu//Content/Webinars/SupportingDocs//110824%20Cowan%20-%20TB%20Genotyping%20(2).pdf

Slides (Cronin):  https://sntc.medicine.ufl.edu//Content/Webinars/SupportingDocs//110824%20Cronin%20-%20TB%20Genotyping%20110823%201616.pdf

Transcript:  https://sntc.medicine.ufl.edu//Content/Webinars/SupportingDocs//Aug_2011_GRtranscript.pdf



Keywords:  TB, Tuberculosis, active TB disease, TB disease, treatment of disease, Mtb, M. tb, M. tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, M. tb complex, TB complex, M. tuberculosis complex, Latent TB Infection, TB infection, Latent Tuberculosis Infection, genotyping, MIRU, spoligotyping

Average Completion Time

2 hours



Course Competencies

There are no competencies currently assigned to this course